Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I was briefly there, and less briefly here:
Which is near where I took this shot, of which I am quite proud:

And now I am back, doing this:

Oh hell. I have no photo of my desk, and C has hidden the camera. Possibly because I take photos like this:

Speaking of C: On our vacation, I left my purse in a Hawaiian barbecue joint and didn't discover it until we were 68 miles down the road and checked into our hotel. At 9 o'clock at night. Who drove all the way back up north, cracking wise the whole time? C. A good thing, too; I was so tense I was curled up into a C on the passenger seat of the car.
Also great: the good people of the Bay Area. After a logistical snafu that landed us in Pacifica for a night, we holed up at the Drake and had a fabulous time.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love love love that picture of the doggers! It's perfect in every possible way.

7:04 PM  

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